Friday, August 30, 2013

This is FUN

I feel like I'm in my second childhood.  I've been the responsible employee/parent for 25+ years.  I'm reaping the rewards for setting myself up with the ability to finally be able to do what *I* want to do.  This includes picking up where I left off with so many things I enjoyed pre-kids and pre-career-adulthood. 

For example, I love dance.  I'm dancing.  I used to play the flute.  When I was younger I was first chair.  I'm digging my flute out of storage and dusting off my music books.  I used to act in school plays. 

Maybe I'm a bad mom, but I'm rather enjoying myself these days.  While I mourn (just a little) the loss of the baby days, the freedom to rediscover myself is amazing.  I want to freeze things just the way they are right now.  I'm old enough to have my head on straight and life/career established, but young enough to enjoy it.  The trick now is to make sure I don't become GRANDMA too soon. 

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