Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I'm not sure at exactly what point/age we begin to think not about how much time we have in front of us, but rather how much time we have left.  We all have an expiration date.  The older we get, the more obvious it becomes that the expiration date, whenever it may be, looms ever nearer. 

The human condition is plagued with imperfection and mistakes.  It's just the way it is.  The human condition is plagued by large egos, the need to control, and greed.  It's just the way it is.  I don't claim to have the answer to save humanity from themselves. 

The point is that I'm finally at peace with soooooooo many things.  Expecting people to be lying, miserable, manipulative, fuck-ups is just so much easier.  Ahhhhhhhhhhh.. (deep breath)


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