Sunday, August 26, 2018

Ghosting Facebook

I finally did it.  I ghosted my facebook account.  I just couldn't take it anymore.  No more social media.  I stopped caring what you had for breakfast 8 years go. Wait.  I take that back.  I never cared what you had for breakfast. 

Friday, August 24, 2018

Slave Quarters, Homelessness, and Traffic

It's election season here in Sonoma County, folks.  Political signs are popping up like daisies all over the place.  Here are my questions for them:

Slave Quarters (a.k.a. affordable housing):  Sure, getting the funds is just the tip of the iceberg.  The next two steps would be the actual building and then deciding who qualifies to live there.  Tell me, exactly, who qualifies for "affordable housing" and who does not.  Who makes those decisions?  What is the criteria?  How is the need proven?  What about people who are $1.00 over the qualifying income amount?  Wherever the line is drawn there will be those trying to blur them.  There has to be a cut-off somewhere, and who decides what that is?  Anyway, there are two inherent problems in regard to building slave quarters that can't be ignored;

1.  Nobody wants slave quarters built next to them.  Why?  Because while it's no crime to be poor, they are noisy slobs.  Don't believe me?  Drive around any government subsidized housing.  Plight.  It costs nothing to be clean and neat; however, whenever something is given to somebody it's taken for granted and not respected.  Trash and crime.

2.  Homelessness.  See above.  Trash and crime.  There is no cure.

What about mandating housing density.  Why, pray tell, are people still allowed to build obnoxious McMansions?  It's so selfish and disrespectful to the earth.  We all will suffer eventually from their selfishness.

What about traffic?  How can we be adding high density housing, or any other kind of housing, when our infrastructure can't even handle what we already have?  Public transportation is a joke.  Riding your bike or walking in the rain isn't feasible.

More development, whether it's adding housing or whatever, will result in more traffic, more people, more problems.  We really are becoming Santa Clara del Norte.  ....and they still have affordable housing problems and homelessness, too.  Same as San Francisco.  Same as San Diego.  Same as Los Angeles.  Same as Las Vegas.  Same as Reno, Nevada.  Same as Vancouver, British Columbia.  Same as Seattle.  Same as Miami.  Same as Houston.  Same as New Orleans.  Same as Honolulu.  Same as (insert any city).

Notice I referenced "blue" cities along with "red."  


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Meeting God

It's been a while since I've had a profound dream.  Well, last night it happened.  I had a dream I met God.  Here's the dream.  Admittedly, some of it is random and does not make sense, but it was a dream.

I was being transported in a one-horse chariot along a city sidewalk that I did not recognize.  The chariot stopped at something that resembled a convenience store.   I got out and went inside looking for "bubbly water."  There were other customers in the store.  One happened to be my brother, and another was a guy I quasi-dated a long time ago.  My old boyfriend was hovering by me and I found it annoying as I no longer wanted anything to do with him.  My brother was wondering who the guy was and I did not even feel it was worth my energy to explain who he was as I'm soooooooo done with him.  He was a mistake that I did not want any reminders of.

About that time a woman approached me.  She summoned me and said, "Follow me.  I have something special for you."

She took me to an area of the convenience store that was like a museum with statues.  She led me to a statue of Jesus, but Jesus was shirtless (weird, I know).  She made her hand look like a key by taking her index finger and middle finger forward (like a closed peace sign) and inserted it into the heart of the Jesus statue and it came life.

She said, "I think you should meet God."

I was dumbfounded.  I was stunned.  I was speechless.  God said to me, "Go ahead.  I know you have questions.  Ask me anything you want."

Being in His presence and energy was overwhelming for me.  I could not speak.  I told God, "Pardon me, but I'm in such awe at the moment I'm speechless.  Yes, I do have questions but give me a moment to process what is happening."

At that moment another man I did not know became present.  God then revealed Himself in a different form for this other man.  God's outer body became intense colors.  While He still had limbs, legs, etc., they morphed into intense colors I can't even attempt to describe.  God lifted up one of His hands and this super intense white light came out of his palm like a beacon aimed at this other guy who was present.  God could tell that I was trying to process everything and what I was witnessing. God then said to me, "I first presented myself in a less intense form for you so you would not be startled and afraid." 

Then, back to asking my questions.  The first two questions I asked were:
1.  Why did you create us, and;
2.  What is the meaning of life.
God smiled and semi-chuckled.  He said those were the two most FAQ He gets.  He then referenced the Monty Python movie titled The Meaning of Life, and even quoted some of the scenes He found amusing.  God likes it when we ask 'why' in any form as it provokes deep reflection.  If humor comes from it, so be it. 

Yes, God does have a sense of humor.

Just as He was going to answer I woke up.  The mystery and meaning of life continues.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Chicken Shit Bingo

This photo courtesy of JLB.  What is this you ask?  It's Chicken Shit Bingo.  Get your bingo card, ooops I mean chicken shit scorecard, sick back, put the hen in the coop, and wait to see which square Henny Penny will drop that oh-so-familiar poo.  From what I can tell, #14 is a winner.  This is the best redneck, white trash, hick game I've seen in a LONG time.  I WANT TO PLAY.

Monday, August 13, 2018

No Form of Government Works Long-Term

I wish everybody would quit thinking they have all the answers.  Here's a fact.  No form of government or social system works long-term.  They all fail eventually.  Why?  Because we are human and no matter what system is in place, people will try to take advantage of it and each other one way or another for personal gain and accumulation of material wealth.

Yup.  We keep screwing each other over.  Again, and again, and again, and again.  It's our innate disease.  As long as there are humans on earth, we will continue to battle our own human nature which includes but is not limited to the need for:  greed, power, social status, etc. 

We have been trying to govern ourselves since the dawn of time.  There has always been war.  There has always been political and social unrest.  If we lack political and social unrest, we go looking for it and creating it (media).  We need drama.  We crave drama.  We need to be upset and "fight" for something.  We need to grandstand to let the world know how "right" we are, and how everybody else is "wrong."  We can't handle predictable and boring lives.  We need to show the world how self-righteous we are.  We just can't leave well enough alone.

While you all are out there in a tattered frenzy spinning and spending your energy, I'm going to silently sit here in complete stillness.  Guess what.  The end result will be the same.  

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Sonoma County Pothole Fix - Dominos to the Rescue

Wow!!!!  We have finally found the solution to all the horrible potholes that plague Sonoma County.  Dominos is offering to fill all those terrible potholes that will save your front end alignment, tire blowouts, etc., not to mention tossed pizza.


Somehow, I'm not holding my breath. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Facebook and Free Speech

I'm sooooooooo sick of hearing about the Russians hacking this and that.  We have free speech.  Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that right only belongs to citizens of the United States, nor that what is written or spoken has to be the truth.  What's all the fuss about?  All we are hearing is how the Russians hacked, but nowhere are the democrats rebutting it with anything that mitigates the so-called hacking influence.  Here's what it boils down to.  Hillary et al effed over Bernie Sanders.  Please, convince us that did not happen and please, tell us that was not true.  It did happen and it was true.  Stop whining.  You did it to yourselves. 

I'm *still* waiting for a Snowden update. 

Crickets chirping.  Dead silence.  Why?  A Snowden update would take real investigative reporting and guts.  I don't give the media that much credit.  I hate to side with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, but he's right in stating that fake news and sensationalism is the media's M.O. 

I don't believe anything anymore.  Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear. 

To all of you attention whore idiots on Facebook:  Your ego did sell you out.  Now you all are pissed off that your information is everywhere for anybody to access.  Why do people post their deepest most personal struggles and thoughts?  Attention?  No, it's not your duty to air your deepest, most personal issues in the name of "bringing awareness" to the subject.  Trust me, not everything needs to be broadcast.  Another public service announcement via your social media is not necessary. 

Getting back on track.....

If we are that stupid of a democracy to let a social media posts influence us, we deserve to be taken over by China or Russia.  We, as a nation,  are feeling the cuts in education.  We invested heavily in our education system until the 1960's when we actually had some critical thinking skills and questioned our own government.  The education investment stalled after that.  A nation of idiots is a lot easier to control and manipulate.

So there you have it.  We are a nation that is easily controlled and manipulated by a few unvetted social media posts.  We are a nation of idiots.  A democracy only works if the population is educated.  I have to go now.  The Kardashians are on followed by the Gong Show.