Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Not the usual bitter rant spewing general hatred today.  I can't be a complete bitch EVERY day.  Today I did quite a bit of yard work outside and cleaned out some drawers and a couple of closets.  Wow.  How something so unexciting and mundane can feel so good ought to be criminal.  I actually get a high throwing old stuff out and ridding clutter.  Maybe I should market that type of high in pill form and get super wealthy. 

It's amazing how much STUFF we all have that is utterly useless.  That subject leads to other Quiet Rage rants yet to be written, but not today.  I felt so light and energetic that I cooked meals for the next 2-3 days and said something nice to somebody who had pissed me off two years ago.... 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here is Rohnert Park in a song.....  The upcoming casino project seals the low-life cultural doom.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

College Financial Aid and Student Loan Forgiveness

Many of my friends are in the midst of filling out financial aid applications for their kids' college education.  Here's a tip for those of you about to embark on this endeavor.  Declare bankruptcy.  If you have any assets or savings whatsoever, you are screwed.  It also helps if you don't speak any English and your parents entered this country illegally. 

Once financial aid is given, now there is a push for 'student loan forgiveness.'  Hundreds of thousands of loans are wanting to be wiped off the slate.  Here's a clue for future college students and their parents: Nobody is guaranteeing you a livelihood that will pay off your debt.  If you CHOOSE to spend $125,000 on a useless degree, please don't make that my problem by wanting me to bail you out. 

Life is about taking responsibility for your choices.  I'm sick of being the mother tit to all of you.  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Facebook Annoyances: Really? More? YES!!!!!!!!

The problem is me.  I just can't quite seem to hit the 'delete' button on my Facebook account.  Just like the top 10 list on a popular late night tv show, Facebook annoyances keep making appearances of things people love to hate. 

Please stop tagging my whereabouts when I am with you at a party, out to dinner, whatever.  Don't whip out your iPhone, click a pic, and do a mobile upload. 

While we are on the subject, please don't post any pics of me at all.  I don't want my face plastered all over Facebook unlike you attention whores. 

I like my privacy.  I respect your privacy.  I will not post anything about YOU.  My facebook is about ME.  Follow suit. 

Although I have my Facebook privacy settings set to 'obnoxiously high', they keep changing the rules of the game and I'm left scratching my head how stuff gets posted without my approval. 

Facebook Etiquette:  Learn it.  Don't post anything about anybody else.  ONLY post pics containing images of yourself.  Never disclose the whereabouts and social calendar/activity of somebody else.  Never disclose ANYTHING about anybody else.  What you think is a harmless post could be devastating to your "friend."

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sonoma County Bad Neighbor Award: Baseball Butt-Head

It takes all kinds.  It solidifies my thought that most of the population should just be exterminated.  This is a true story.  There is a high school in Sonoma County where the ball fields were there waaaaaaaaaaaay before the surrounding houses.  It should be of no mystery to homeowners that stray balls will be hit onto their property.

One particular homeowner refuses to return balls hit over their fence.  What an ass.  What's he going to do with a collection of baseballs?  Is he *really* that bitter where he can't toss the balls back over?  Wow... and I feel guilty for unloading my bitterness on this stupid blog?  I hope the kids hit balls over the fence and HIT THE WINDOW. 

I think a flaming bag full of gooey cow shit and baseballs should be tossed on his doorstep. 

Ding dong.....  YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!!!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pension Reform - Inverted Pyramid

Everybody is griping about how pensions are draining public troughs dry.  Everybody is trying to blame the unions.  They are partly to blame, but not exclusively.  See, unions do NOT set up their benefits unilaterally.  It's a joint decision by both labor and management. 

The problem is that traditional pension plans (defined benefit plans) promise a predetermined payout upon retirement regardless of stock market performance, number of people participating, etc.  The underlying issue and principle is that this type of pension plan depends on a GROWING BASE to fund the retirees or people drawing money out of the plan.  The government is not hiring new blood, and the retirees are multiplying like crazy.  The base is shrinking.  Viola.  Inverted pyramid.  Top heavy.  The system will collapse.  It's that simple. 

Social security also has the same problem.  Back when it was set up, the program incorrectly assumed that the population would always grow and people contributing into the fund would also grow at a rate faster than people collecting out of the fund.   Guess what.  People are not having 6 kids anymore.  Again, we have more people collecting than monies going in, and payment promises have already been made.  Top heavy.  The program will collapse.  It's that simple. 

If ever an argument for granting illegal immigrants citizenship it would be to make them all legitimate and pay into the social security system.  They are the only base of people multiplying like rabbits.  However, contributions would depend on employers honestly paying into the system and we know how much cash slipped under the table rules the business world. 

Bottom line:  When pension and other programs were set up they assumed a regular pyramid of constant growth and an expanding base.  They had no idea or did not even consider a contracting, shrinking base.  I thought the esteemed financial wizards were smarter than that.  Guess not. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Health Care Overhaul

Damn liberals.  Those idiots want accessible, affordable health care for the populace!  Can you BELIEVE the nerve?  I mean, really..... how can they even THINK about that?  What a bunch of greedy jerks.  Of all the things to strive for in this world.  How selfish are they?  Health care?  For all?  What a bunch of assholes. What's next?  World peace?  How are we supposed to profit off of that, pray tell?  This is a nightmare! 

Don't the liberals know there is an undocumented workforce to exploit?  I mean, really.... how could we afford our mansions on islands and such without taking advantage of some desperate wet back willing to work for a pittance?  We might have to put ice in our own cocktail glass or clean our own toilets if health care reform goes through. 

When the illegals get sick they go to the hospital and you, lowly taxpayers, pick up the tab while we are successfully taking advantage of loopholes and political favors.  Liberals are so dumb to even want to pick up the tab for us when we are down on our luck. 

Selfish butt head liberals... they are going to ruin this country if health care is available...  This basic human service to our people living in the United States must be STOPPED immediately!  There are billions of dollars to control.  If you care about money more than people write to your representatives and take to the streets before this Obama Care becomes law.  Damn the lives of cancer stricken families on the brink of financial ruin trying to obtain treatment.  What a bunch of whiners.  Don't they have real problems?