Thursday, April 19, 2012

College Financial Aid and Student Loan Forgiveness

Many of my friends are in the midst of filling out financial aid applications for their kids' college education.  Here's a tip for those of you about to embark on this endeavor.  Declare bankruptcy.  If you have any assets or savings whatsoever, you are screwed.  It also helps if you don't speak any English and your parents entered this country illegally. 

Once financial aid is given, now there is a push for 'student loan forgiveness.'  Hundreds of thousands of loans are wanting to be wiped off the slate.  Here's a clue for future college students and their parents: Nobody is guaranteeing you a livelihood that will pay off your debt.  If you CHOOSE to spend $125,000 on a useless degree, please don't make that my problem by wanting me to bail you out. 

Life is about taking responsibility for your choices.  I'm sick of being the mother tit to all of you.  

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