Sunday, May 27, 2012

Russian River Drownings

It's happened again.  Tuco Benedicto Juan Maria Ramirez drowned in the Russian River.  Posting signs in Spanish stating "No Swimmo if you cant no Swimmo" don't deter them from going into the river and drowning. 

Maybe I'm just a little crass, but if you can't swim WTF are you doing in the river?  If you're that dumb, you deserve to drown.  Darwin Natural Selection.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sympathy for the Devil -- oops, I meant Politicians

In a strange way I feel sorry for politicians.  Think of all the people whining at them constantly to fix THEIR particular pet issue du jour.  All Americans are bitching about the following, but don't see their own hand in creating the problem in the first place:

1.  Taxes:  Most people look for loopholes galore to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
Result:  We're broke.  Duh. 

2.  Cut Spending:  Everybody wants to cut what they consider government bloat and eliminate waste and consolidate services.
Result:  Everybody wants cuts as long as it effects somebody else.  We can't even close a post office or a crappy elementary school without near riots.   What do people expect?  For politicians to pull money from out of their asses to fund financial sink-holes? 

3.  NIMBYism:  Everybody wants the conveniences of living in a modern world, but bitch like crazy when the airport, road, cell tower, or whatever is planned near their house.

4.  Something for Nothing:  There is no free lunch out there.  

5.  Nobody owes you a job or a living.
Result:  So you got laid off.  Shit happens.  You're not alone.  Don't blame the politicians.  It's called capitalism. 

I would never make it as a politician.  I don't ever even pretend to.  Pandering to whiners and do-gooders just isn't in my being.   Just about every constituant in my jurisdiction would get bitch slapped and told to STFU.  I long for the politician who has the guts to tell it like it is.  I know I'm not alone.

Ruben Arminana and Sandy Weill: Lovers

Hi.  My name is Ruben Arminana.  I don't give a fuck about Sonoma State in reality.  I have an obnoxious salary so the rest of you can eat cake and suffer with cuts.  My legacy at Sonoma State is to construct a music center so completely over-the-top that my pet project is running millions over budget. 

Shhhhhhhhh  I have a secret for you and I'm about to come out of the closet.   I'm in love with Sandy Weill because the crooked jew bastard has money at his disposal to bail me out of my financial hole and finish my pet project before I retire with my bloated pension.  Maybe I'll even get Sandy to construct a sign in lights at the entrance with my name on it to feed my pathetic ego.

My morals are clear:  Kiss the ass of crooks.  Roll out the red carpet for them.   The message is that it's ok to rape financial systems and topple economies to get filthy rich if you turn around and toss a crumb or two to groveling bottom feeders like myself.

Quiet Rage is left to ponder:  If the Weill's were so selfless, they would have been an anonymous donor.  They're not the philanthropists they claim to be.  It's easy to throw money around  when you have an endless supply from swindling.  Besides, who can sit on so many endless committee and boards and be effective?  They just want their name on as many letterheads as possible for even more tax dodging write-offs. 

This is a perfect example of the greedy side of giving. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mothers' Day

Pardon me if I'm a tad confused about Mothers' Day as of late.  What used to be a day of phoning your mother and buying her flowers has turned into a crazed circus of acknowledging every single female in your life.

I'm am NOT anti-woman by any means.  However, it gets dangerously muddled when:  sisters, babysitters, nurses, teachers, friends, female patrons at a restaurant, and female relatives with no children get thrown into the "mother" group.

Who gets acknowledged?  Who doesn't?  What if somebody gets insulted if they're not acknowledged and you acknowledged another 'non-mother' as a mother?  What if somebody gets offended if you do acknowledge them as 'non-mother'  mother?  What if a very gender neutral looking man gets handed a rose when he enters an establishment on Mothers' Day?

Let's take this a bit further....  What if a woman who is having fertility issues gets acknowledged, or a woman who just had a miscarriage or stillbirth?   What about the woman who may have lost her child in a car accident or to some hideous disease?  What about the mother who made the heart-wrenching decision to put her baby up for adoption and is longing for contact and wonders constantly about the child she will never know?  What about the woman who opted NOT to have children?

See where it gets blurred and emotions could come boiling to the surface when the chirpy-good-intentioned-mothers'- day-mass-acknowledger casually assumes the holiday is pleasant for everyone?   There are often painful, private details about a woman's life that Mothers' Day brings to the surface.  Unless the woman is your mother and/or you know the personal, intimate details of her life, STFU and don't assume ANYTHING. 

Who even started this crap of making Mothers' Day tentacles to reach to every female (or female looking person) on the globe whether or not they had children?  I'm sure it was the Bored Moms on Prozac Committee.  The irony. 

Either rename the holiday to Global Female Day and acknowledge every woman unanimously across the board, or keep the original intent of honoring YOUR MOTHER.   Anything else will get you into trouble -- even if your intentions are good. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012


No, I'm not talking about the removal of cells that make us all functional biological beings.  I'm talking about getting rid of my cell phone -- a cellectomy.

Just like a lot of techno-gadgets of our time, my cellphone has just become another source of constant interruption, information overload, superficial communication, and another way for people to reach you with THEIR wants and demands.  I don't want to be bothered at a dinner party to take a call on my cell phone unless the S.W.A.T. team is at my house with a true 911 emergency.  Even if I send the call to voicemail, it's the mental knowing that there's an issue brewing in the background that is eventually going to need my attention. 

If I do answer, most of the time I regret taking the call on my cell as it's somebody wanting/needing something.  I am then expected to drop what I'm doing to take care of their issue du jour -- whether it's work or personal.

I dropped my electronic organizer late last year for my traditional paper planner.  My life has been more peaceful and organized since doing so.  It's now time for the cellectomy.  I have stopped giving my cell phone number out.  I don't care if people think I'm "missing out."  Missing out on what?  Missing out on their constant chatter and noise???  The silence sounds good to me, and the world will continue to revolve. 

We need to get over ourselves.  None of us need to be plugged in 24/7.