Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sympathy for the Devil -- oops, I meant Politicians

In a strange way I feel sorry for politicians.  Think of all the people whining at them constantly to fix THEIR particular pet issue du jour.  All Americans are bitching about the following, but don't see their own hand in creating the problem in the first place:

1.  Taxes:  Most people look for loopholes galore to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
Result:  We're broke.  Duh. 

2.  Cut Spending:  Everybody wants to cut what they consider government bloat and eliminate waste and consolidate services.
Result:  Everybody wants cuts as long as it effects somebody else.  We can't even close a post office or a crappy elementary school without near riots.   What do people expect?  For politicians to pull money from out of their asses to fund financial sink-holes? 

3.  NIMBYism:  Everybody wants the conveniences of living in a modern world, but bitch like crazy when the airport, road, cell tower, or whatever is planned near their house.

4.  Something for Nothing:  There is no free lunch out there.  

5.  Nobody owes you a job or a living.
Result:  So you got laid off.  Shit happens.  You're not alone.  Don't blame the politicians.  It's called capitalism. 

I would never make it as a politician.  I don't ever even pretend to.  Pandering to whiners and do-gooders just isn't in my being.   Just about every constituant in my jurisdiction would get bitch slapped and told to STFU.  I long for the politician who has the guts to tell it like it is.  I know I'm not alone.

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