Friday, April 6, 2012

Health Care Overhaul

Damn liberals.  Those idiots want accessible, affordable health care for the populace!  Can you BELIEVE the nerve?  I mean, really..... how can they even THINK about that?  What a bunch of greedy jerks.  Of all the things to strive for in this world.  How selfish are they?  Health care?  For all?  What a bunch of assholes. What's next?  World peace?  How are we supposed to profit off of that, pray tell?  This is a nightmare! 

Don't the liberals know there is an undocumented workforce to exploit?  I mean, really.... how could we afford our mansions on islands and such without taking advantage of some desperate wet back willing to work for a pittance?  We might have to put ice in our own cocktail glass or clean our own toilets if health care reform goes through. 

When the illegals get sick they go to the hospital and you, lowly taxpayers, pick up the tab while we are successfully taking advantage of loopholes and political favors.  Liberals are so dumb to even want to pick up the tab for us when we are down on our luck. 

Selfish butt head liberals... they are going to ruin this country if health care is available...  This basic human service to our people living in the United States must be STOPPED immediately!  There are billions of dollars to control.  If you care about money more than people write to your representatives and take to the streets before this Obama Care becomes law.  Damn the lives of cancer stricken families on the brink of financial ruin trying to obtain treatment.  What a bunch of whiners.  Don't they have real problems? 

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