Monday, April 9, 2012

Sonoma County Bad Neighbor Award: Baseball Butt-Head

It takes all kinds.  It solidifies my thought that most of the population should just be exterminated.  This is a true story.  There is a high school in Sonoma County where the ball fields were there waaaaaaaaaaaay before the surrounding houses.  It should be of no mystery to homeowners that stray balls will be hit onto their property.

One particular homeowner refuses to return balls hit over their fence.  What an ass.  What's he going to do with a collection of baseballs?  Is he *really* that bitter where he can't toss the balls back over?  Wow... and I feel guilty for unloading my bitterness on this stupid blog?  I hope the kids hit balls over the fence and HIT THE WINDOW. 

I think a flaming bag full of gooey cow shit and baseballs should be tossed on his doorstep. 

Ding dong.....  YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE!!!!!

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