Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Facebook and Free Speech

I'm sooooooooo sick of hearing about the Russians hacking this and that.  We have free speech.  Nowhere in the Constitution does it state that right only belongs to citizens of the United States, nor that what is written or spoken has to be the truth.  What's all the fuss about?  All we are hearing is how the Russians hacked, but nowhere are the democrats rebutting it with anything that mitigates the so-called hacking influence.  Here's what it boils down to.  Hillary et al effed over Bernie Sanders.  Please, convince us that did not happen and please, tell us that was not true.  It did happen and it was true.  Stop whining.  You did it to yourselves. 

I'm *still* waiting for a Snowden update. 

Crickets chirping.  Dead silence.  Why?  A Snowden update would take real investigative reporting and guts.  I don't give the media that much credit.  I hate to side with He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, but he's right in stating that fake news and sensationalism is the media's M.O. 

I don't believe anything anymore.  Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear. 

To all of you attention whore idiots on Facebook:  Your ego did sell you out.  Now you all are pissed off that your information is everywhere for anybody to access.  Why do people post their deepest most personal struggles and thoughts?  Attention?  No, it's not your duty to air your deepest, most personal issues in the name of "bringing awareness" to the subject.  Trust me, not everything needs to be broadcast.  Another public service announcement via your social media is not necessary. 

Getting back on track.....

If we are that stupid of a democracy to let a social media posts influence us, we deserve to be taken over by China or Russia.  We, as a nation,  are feeling the cuts in education.  We invested heavily in our education system until the 1960's when we actually had some critical thinking skills and questioned our own government.  The education investment stalled after that.  A nation of idiots is a lot easier to control and manipulate.

So there you have it.  We are a nation that is easily controlled and manipulated by a few unvetted social media posts.  We are a nation of idiots.  A democracy only works if the population is educated.  I have to go now.  The Kardashians are on followed by the Gong Show. 

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