Friday, August 24, 2018

Slave Quarters, Homelessness, and Traffic

It's election season here in Sonoma County, folks.  Political signs are popping up like daisies all over the place.  Here are my questions for them:

Slave Quarters (a.k.a. affordable housing):  Sure, getting the funds is just the tip of the iceberg.  The next two steps would be the actual building and then deciding who qualifies to live there.  Tell me, exactly, who qualifies for "affordable housing" and who does not.  Who makes those decisions?  What is the criteria?  How is the need proven?  What about people who are $1.00 over the qualifying income amount?  Wherever the line is drawn there will be those trying to blur them.  There has to be a cut-off somewhere, and who decides what that is?  Anyway, there are two inherent problems in regard to building slave quarters that can't be ignored;

1.  Nobody wants slave quarters built next to them.  Why?  Because while it's no crime to be poor, they are noisy slobs.  Don't believe me?  Drive around any government subsidized housing.  Plight.  It costs nothing to be clean and neat; however, whenever something is given to somebody it's taken for granted and not respected.  Trash and crime.

2.  Homelessness.  See above.  Trash and crime.  There is no cure.

What about mandating housing density.  Why, pray tell, are people still allowed to build obnoxious McMansions?  It's so selfish and disrespectful to the earth.  We all will suffer eventually from their selfishness.

What about traffic?  How can we be adding high density housing, or any other kind of housing, when our infrastructure can't even handle what we already have?  Public transportation is a joke.  Riding your bike or walking in the rain isn't feasible.

More development, whether it's adding housing or whatever, will result in more traffic, more people, more problems.  We really are becoming Santa Clara del Norte.  ....and they still have affordable housing problems and homelessness, too.  Same as San Francisco.  Same as San Diego.  Same as Los Angeles.  Same as Las Vegas.  Same as Reno, Nevada.  Same as Vancouver, British Columbia.  Same as Seattle.  Same as Miami.  Same as Houston.  Same as New Orleans.  Same as Honolulu.  Same as (insert any city).

Notice I referenced "blue" cities along with "red."  


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