Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dance Expanded

As I expand my dancing, my waistline is shrinking...(which is a good thing).  Plus, dancing puts me in such a good mood.  Every culture has some sort of dance, unless you're one of those prudish freaks where dancing is banned.  Come on.  We all know banning dancing does not work.  The town teenagers rebel and have a dance-a-thon....  We all have seen Foot Loose. 

Anyway, I'm learning about other cultures and traditions through international dance.  My focus right now is Hawaiian Hula (which I LOVE and it comes easily to me) and Greek folk dance.  I'm not even Hawaiian nor Greek that I know of.  That's not the point.  The point is that you can learn so much about a culture by their dance.  So much tradition and story is embedded in the way they move their bodies to drums and/or music. 

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