Sunday, August 11, 2013


Some people have a bad rap for no good reason.  One who comes to mind is Mary.  Mary was born in NORTHERN Italy (there is a big difference - to them, anyway) and emigrated to San Francisco in the 1920's.  Once there, her father and brothers built houses...

Long story short, Mary was 'ah-no' dummy.  She was smart with her money and called people on their bullshit.  She referred to just about everything inside the now defunct department store 'ah-Sear' 'junks.'  Her cute Italian accent was adorable. 

To me, I was referred to as 'ah-girl' and she never did get my name right.  No matter.  She was entertaining to watch interact with other people.  People would get pissed at HER because Mary did not put up with their crap and give into their wants.  She did not waver.  Was she selfish?  Not really... she was just set in her lifestyle and made no excuses for it.  Of course, this made Mary evil to some.... However, upon Mary's passing the ones who labeled her as evil were first in line to claim the piles of money she left behind. 

Miss you, Mary... you were under-appreciated.

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