Sunday, August 4, 2013

Analyze THIS: Weird dreams

All my life I have been a vivid dreamer.  My dreams are like being on natural acid.... so weird... so surreal...  I dream of abstract things.  Sometimes my dreams are psychic.  I often have dreams of a situation, location, or people and it happens.  It's kind of like a deja vu, but much stronger and with more detail.

Deceased relatives also visit me in my dreams.  A few times they have made specific statements about my life and what was going to happen.  Deceased relatives also made mention about specific traits of my not-yet-born children that turned out to be spot on.  In one dream a deceased relative brought me through the stars to the "other side" and it was something words fail to describe.

Sometimes I dream of spirits I don't even know.  They often are like a mist and only have hands that are discernible.  They reach for my hand and then we fly around like they are taking me on a tour.

Anyway, just for grins I kept a dream log last night.  My first vivid dream was that my name was Maya and I was some sort of goddess.  My clothing and headpiece was made up of lots of wearable mirrors.  The idea was that whatever negative thoughts, intention or ammunition came my way, I was able to deflect them back to the person attacking me. 

The second dream involved my sister.  My parents house was full of hungry people wanting breakfast.  We were arguing about how to make pancakes.  I was panicked because it was getting late and the bacon and sausage were nowhere to be found... just the watery pancake batter.  Just how was I going to feed this crowd?

The third dream was of myself turning into a ghost and floating around.  I discovered that I was hovering over my bed and not in my physical body.  I loved the feeling and proceeded to float around the house, down the hall, and into the living room.  I noticed somebody walking outside.  I thought it would be funny to scare him.  I remember being able to go right through the glass window and swooping down to startle the person.

That, dear friends, is just a sampling of what I dream about at night.  Bear in mind all three dreams happened last night.  I sleep, but I wake up exhausted.  I think I should be used for some sleep/dream study program.  I'm envious of people who don't dream. 

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