Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Never 'No More' Lilies

I guess age is mellowing me out.  Try as I might to be bitter and angry all the time, I just can't quite swing it.....  Damn sentimental emotions....This morning there was a bouquet of lilies on the front porch.  The note said, "Never are there no more lilies."

Awwwwwww...  how sweet.  Who would do such a kind, spontaneous gesture?  Come to find out that it was my daughter's very-first -ever boyfriend who left the bouquet.  He's moving across the country and his flight left at some ungodly early hour this morning.  He actually took the time to drive up from Marin in the middle of the night to leave her flowers and a note saying goodbye.  Lilies were a thing between my daughter and this boy. 

We both bawled our eyes out at the breakfast table...

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