Friday, March 7, 2008

I'm an idiot

I'm a complete idiot. I work, pay taxes, own less home than I qualify for, pay my bills on time, and have never been in trouble with the law. In fact, I have never been issued a speeding ticket.

Why am I trying so hard to be a good citizen? Where's the reward? There isn't any. In fact, I'm punished for being a good citizen. I have never in my life requested special consideration for ANYTHING. I'm upset that now all of these people who purchased homes well beyond their means are now going to get "special refinancing" to help them. Politicians are tripping all over themselves to aid these people who acted irresponsibly. This includes both the borrowers and the lenders.
I should just be an irresponsible, greedy, stupid slug. That's what our society rewards. I'm a stupid idiot, but not the right kind.

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