Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Hate Texas


I must officially apologize to my English friend's boss who visited America and hated it. My friend's boss visited Texas. Need I say more? Yes!!!

Unfortunately, we as a nation are judged by the embarrassing attitudes and behavior that Texans demonstrate, namely Bush. Texans represent everything that is wrong with American culture, or should I say lack thereof. Here is but a brief sampling as to why Texas should be annihilated off the map:

1. They are loud, obnoxious, and arrogant;
2. They're stupid;
3. They are fascinated by bright, shiny objects;
4. All problems can be solved with guns or booze (sometimes both);
5. They think everything is "bigger and better" in Texas (dated a guy from there once, and it's NOT true).
6. They watch NASCAR and pro wrestling

A clever editorial appeared in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat fairly recently that stated we should abandon the war in Iraq and take it up with Texas. Good Point.

1 comment:

CG said...

Is that photo for real???