Monday, June 1, 2015

Measure A

Tomorrow there is a controversial election regarding increasing the sales tax to "fix our roads."


I'm voting no and I will tell you all why.

1.  The California Lottery was supposed to "save our schools."  Our local elementary school recceived a check for $128.77.  Our schools were not saved;

2.  The California gasoline tax was supposed to "save our roads."  It didn't;

3.  I work in the financial trenches and see nothing but waste, waste, and more irresponsible spending and waste.  Those at the top of the government tiers secure obnoxious funds for themselves and their cronies.  By the time it travels downhill all the funds are dried up and they cry poor.

4.  Whatever you give them in taxes will never be enough.  They will ALWAYS spend more than what they have.  Stop the insanity;

5.  Who cares if our roads are in need of repair?  The locals know where the potholes are and can avoid them.  Why should we pay to pave the streets for non-resident tourists to speed up and down our roads in their Teslas?  They love our rustic, country, "organic" ways so give them what they came for.  It all adds to our natural, country charm.

6.  Never trust a politician.  EVER.

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