Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sonoma County: Measure A Defeat

Wow.  Sonoma County Supervisors are *really* out of touch with their constituents.  Here's the painful lesson the supervisors need to learn.  Attention Sonoma County Supervisors:  You may get your money from special interest groups, but you get your votes from the general population with no affiliation to special interest groups.

Tough quandry, isn't it?

We, the people, were asked to "trust" the politicians with more money.  I've said it before, I work hands-on in the financial trenches and see nothing but waste, waste, irresponsible spending, and more waste at the upper echelons.  The paving contractors et al were already lined up with their hands out for a lucrative government contract.  The labor unions were chiming in as they offer monetary support and promises of votes from the masses (which did not materialize).

Bottom line:  The only ones supporting this measure were politicians and special interest groups, which is NEVER a good combination.  Thank goddesses the people are waking up and not listening to the media as to how to cast their votes.  People are actually READING ballot measures now and following the money.  We are sick of deceit, waste, and greed at the upper levels of government.

Politicians come and go and hold no lasting accountability to their actions.  That's how we got into trouble with the under-funded pension issue to begin with.  If politicians were personally accountable beyond the time they served in office things would be different.

Plus, Efren Carrillo did not help this cause.  He thinks he only needs to please those in his own district.  The entire county remembers.  Efren, you should have resigned being the drunken pervert you are.  We take the credibility of the entire board based on your lack of accepting consequences for your actions and twisting events to lessen the severity using political ass-kissers to obtain your personal agenda.  That's what killed this ballot measure.  Lack of integrity and responsibility.  If Efren really cared about the public he would have resigned.  He did not.  Supervisors:  You are only as strong as your weakest link. 

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