Friday, June 26, 2015

Parking Wars

I have a reserved parking spot that I'm viscous about.  I rent it though the city and it's not cheap.  My pet peeve is coming back from lunch or whatever and SOMEBODY IS PARKED IN MY SPOT.  I go nuts.  My time is valuable.  I don't have time to ding around calling parking enforcement, the tow truck, etc.  Most of the time the lot is full so there is no other place to park so I just block them in.   I left a courtesy note with my cell/text on the reserved spot next to me as I needed to block them in as well.  I would move my car for them if they needed to get out.

About an hour or so passes.  My cell phone rings.  I answer it.  I hear a woman's voice saying, "I'm so sorry I think I parked in your spot.  I'm new to the area (she wasn't as I could tell from the local dealer license plate brackets and her 707 north bay cell number she was calling from) and I did not know."

To which I replied, "Really?  You can't read the large RESERVED sign but can read well enough to hunt my number off my neighbor's windshield to call me?  Sorry, but now you're going to have to wait for me. You thought nothing of inconveniencing me so I'm returning the favor."

The woman asked me how long I was going to be until I moved my car.  I told her until I damn well felt like it.  Click.  End of conversation.  Don't ever piss me off.  I will call you on your bullshit.  I do not anger easily but once I'm there I will own you.  Guaranteed.  The other thing is don't ever lie to me.  That pisses me off even more than if she would of owned up to it as being the dumb bitch she was and didn't give a lie for an excuse. 

Tick tock more time passes.  I know the daily routine of parking enforcement.  They also know me.  In fact, I'm related to several members of local law enforcement.  It's all in the family.  Parking enforcement shows up and knows exactly what's going on.  She asks me if I want the parking offender towed.  The woman and her male companion are standing a few yards away trying to figure out what we are going to do as they are antsy to get on their way as I've had them blocked in for a couple of hours.  

I decided that a parking ticket and a two hour delay in their afternoon plans was good enough. 

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