Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Dueling Banjos: Visiting a VERY Confederate State

I'm prepping for a trip to a place I have not been to for decades -- a VERY Confederate southern state.  When I tell people where I'm going they give me a funny look and say, "You?  Going to the deep South?  It just does not fit.  Why?"

The last time I visited a very southern state was when I went to Memphis.  No, I take that back.  I was in Miami recently, but southern Florida is NOT the "south."  In Florida, you have to go north to go south if that makes any sense to you all.

Anyway, when traveling to Memphis I was quite young but remember it well.  As a sheltered Yankee girl from the deep freeze of Minnesota I had never experienced their way of life.  The only thing I really had were visions of Gone With the Wind and my father's paper confederate money that fascinated me.

My first phrase I learned in southern linguists was seeing a giant billboard blaring HEP UR SEF.

Huh??? what????  Am I still in the United States?  Don't we all speak English????

Kind of.   My aunt pointed out that meant a "help yourself" gas station.   

Ohhhhhhhhhhh... then the wheels in my brain began to click.

Switching gears now I will be doing quite a bit of dancing while I'm in the south.  I love dance.  I especially love folk dancing from various cultures from around the world.  I'm especially well versed in: Polynesian hula, Greek folk dancing,  West African tribal, polka dancing, and urban line dancing.  I should have paid more attention in P.E. as a kid when they tried to teach us square dancing.  Damn it.  Now I'm going to a place that is still technically the United States but I don't have any cultural connection.  Looks like a crash course in dancing will be on my itinerary.

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