Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Put Down the Bloody Smart Phone

You have all seen the shirt with the progression of hunched apes and the evolution process.  Well, pretty soon we will regain the hunch, lowered head, and curved spine we thought we evolved from.  Why?  Nobody can put down their iPhones.

At first it was tweens texting during meals.  Grown ups were initially annoyed but are now happily following this juvenile trend.  Now it's just about everybody thinking it's perfectly ok to ignore or interrupt present company to tend to somebody who is not present.  Nothing screams disrespect more than cutting your companion off mid-sentence to take a call, text, check social media, or whatever else is more important in that little, glowing screen.  Unless there is an emergency or you're on call with your EMPLOYER (and you're on the clock) or your house is on fire I can't think of a reason to attend to a machine rather than a present human.  Side note:  self-employed, self-important people are the biggest abusers of techteruption.  If you can't take a 1/2 hour of your time to talk to me face to face, PLEASE just skip the visit and text me sometime, OK? 

My other rant for the morning are those who are so busy recording and posting their lives they are not living it.  Just about everywhere you go people are posing and video recording everything for social media broadcast.  I have been at events recently that are pretty special and exclusive.  Glowing screens are being held at arms length recording themselves as if to say, "Lookie at where I am at!  I'm soooo coool and lucky to be here.  Aren't you jealous?"

All the while they are so focused on their phones they are missing out on the actual event. 

Oh, wait.  I just found a visual for the rant I just posted.  A picture is worth a thousand words. 

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