Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Fundraiser

I attend many fundraisers.  I used to separate them out for personal, social, and business; but, the goal of collecting money is ALWAYS business -- even if it's for personal use.  I just don't think some people know we are onto them.  Some are blatantly trying to empty out my pockets, charging tickets for admission and food and a listing on the 'go fund me' website, and some are more insidious about their agenda for profits like participating in gift registries and other tacky schemes instructing customers (oopsie, I meant guests) where to direct money. 

Not too long ago I attended one of those swanky fundraisers.  You know, where the uber rich pretend to care about helping underprivileged kids,  but it's really about showing off their wealth to each other.  The items being auctioned off were exotic and expensive and included one of those African safari adventures where guys with limp dicks attempt to reclaim their manhood by hunting down and shooting innocent animals.  The African hunting adventure was donated to the 'cause' by Mr. Gottbux to auction off.

I have to hand it to Mr. Gottbux.  He donated the hunting trip, and knowing the EXACT dollar value of the trip, ended up being the auction winner of his own donation.  Now he gets to enjoy his own 'donation' while claiming it as a charitable tax write off.  Money laundering at its best. 

I can't make this stuff up, people.

Friday, January 29, 2016


Quiet Rage has a headache today on all levels.  Seriously, my head is pounding and I have to deal with employers and employees who just don't get it.

Yesterday was a 16 hour day in approving the 2016 budget for one of the organizations I manage.  The organization is bleeding cash to the tune of about $100,000 per year.  The economics impacting the organization's revenue and losses will not improve unless draconian measures are implemented.  I saw it coming and offered one of two scenarios:  continue to party like it's your last night on earth, or have the organization around long-term sans the royal travel treatment they have all enjoyed the past 5 years.

It was a silent joy for me to sit back in my chair at the head of the table and have them looking at each other.  I could read their minds.  They were eyeing each other telepathically stating, "Which one of you greedy bastards is taking too many exotic business trips flying first class with the spouse and bleeding the organization of operational funds?"

See, the way the organization runs not all contribute equally monetarily.  Contributions coming in are based on a sliding scale or a percentage if you will.  What we have going on are those who are contributing a little and taking out a lot.  The irony is that the ones who contribute the most take the least.  It's the ones who contribute little taking a lot.   

My compensation for managing them is set  and is beyond reasonable.  It's not because of me they are bleeding cash.  Plus, I have the history and the knowledge at this point where there is NO WAY they could replace me without busting out more funds which detracts from their 'fun'.

I've got a winning hand here.  They won't want to bankrupt the organization; therefore killing the goose that lays the golden egg, and they also don't want to lose me.  That means for the next few years until the organization reserves more operating cash I get to go on all the fun trips and not babysit them and be their travel agent/cruise director   :)   :)   :) 

By the time the cash is replenished I've got other plans that do not include catering to greedy, selfish takers.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


This is the week, ya'all, ya'all.  Each and every one of you who handle employees and independent contractors know what I'm talkin' about.  Yup.  IRS form 1099.

Want to strike fear into any hypocrite who moans about how social economic injustice is ruining our country?  Just mention completing and submitting IRS form 1099 for goods and services (a-hem free trips and other goodies received from corporations).  They will turn tail in a nano-second pleading with you how those free trips and whatnot were not really a form of compensation and should not be reported to the IRS -- and therefore not taxable to the recipient.

Come again?  Today I received a complaint from a WAGE AND HOUR COMPLIANCE OFFICER who contacted me to whine about the amount I reported to the IRS for his job as an independent contractor for one of our sister organizations.  He thought it was $545 over what he thought it should be.  Really?  So, I checked my records and, yes, he did receive an extra $545 because it was a travel expense.  He was paid the $545 extra for a trip he took as an independent contractor, so it was reported.  He can deduct it on his 1040 as a business expense write-off.  That's the way it works.  He's not an employee.  We don't "reimburse" 1099 contractors for travel expenses.  Duh.

If you're going to challenge me, you better make certain you have your facts straight.  I will put you in a corner real quick if you don't.

This guy who is questioning me a big shot in San Mateo County so I did not want to get into a proverbial pissing match with him, but I wanted to let him know not to mess with me.  When I explained the measly extra $545 that was reported on his $130,000 paid contract services, he said that he was so concerned with doing everything correctly being he's the poster child of fair-play, honesty, and whatnot.

The idiot did not know that I also handle the money for another sister organization that paid out $15,000 in travel expenses for him and his wife to fly first class to attend a function in an exotic location.  I asked him if he received the 1099 on that (I did not send one out and for reasons I can't go into here and was not planning on doing so until he questioned me about the lousy $545 he did not want to claim as income on his taxes from the other sister organization.  I just wanted to see how he would respond).  He was, after all, soooooooooo concerned I was reporting his taxable compensation correctly.  This guy *is* a wage and hour compliance officer, you know.  Such an outstanding member of the community.  bullshit. 

Dead silence on the phone.  I could hear the calculator going in his head.  Because he questioned what he thought was an over-reporting of $545 he opened the can of worms of the  $15,000 under reporting for the exotic trip he and his wife enjoyed from the the sister organization.  Taxes on the trip would be about $5,000 for him if I filed the 1099.    Hmmmmmmmm  arguing over $545 or not getting taxed on a $15,000 trip.  Time is UP!!!  Answer is???????????

If you're going to f*** with me, you better make certain you know what you're doing or I can make your life a living hell.   NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Facebook Job Titles: More is NOT more

I've been threatening to delete my Facebook account for some time now, but just WHERE would I get material for this lame blog?  Hanging onto my Facebook account for my bitchy blog material is more convenient than hanging out at added bonus is that I can spew loud laughter at people without being conspicuous.   Why people post incriminating pictures of themselves consuming alcohol with lampshades on their heads is a complete mystery to me.  Whatever.  Keep doing it.  It's hilarious to watch people make asses of themselves to the free world.

However, most of us already knew they were complete asses.  They just continue to make our case for us.

I'm getting into the 'friends-of-friends' category here and auxiliary relationships, which is often a great source of entertainment for me.  A friend of one of my brothers had a birthday the other day.  I've known this 'kid' for 40 years.  He's always been the perpetual bumbler and never could quite get his act together.  He could never figure out what caused fatherhood.  His nick-name my family gave him was BunHead (yes, decades before the trendy man-ban) because his brain is half baked.

Here is BunHead's work profile as he posted himself on Facebook:  FORMER cook/bartender/bar bingo SPECIALIST at the local VFW.

Ever notice that the more people post for their job titles on Facebook the bigger bumbler they are?  I can't make this stuff up, people.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Dry Drunks

My career has involved dealing with 'dry drunks' for almost 30 years.  All of them have been male.  I don't know what karma I'm paying for in this lifetime, but sometimes guys are better to deal with AFTER they have had a few at the corner bar.  Sorry, AA, I know that's not your mission, but sometimes alcohol abstinence makes everybody's life a living hell.  

Right now I'm dealing with two dry drunks at work who are competing for the same position in their organization.  I think I'm going to go on an extended vacation until it has been settled.  I'm caught in the middle.  Why?  Because I handle the money.  They both are like hyper-active preschoolers thinking they can save the world and wanting me to buy into their latest scheme to show everybody how much they do for the organization; therefore,  worthy of the promotion. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Middle Sister

My soul sister, SSP, sent me this picture of me on a wine bottle.  I'm glad that today's photography and graphics magic makes my legs look so thin;)    

Seriously, it really is me.  You all have *no* idea   LOL

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Religious Salespeople

Door-to-door salespeople.  Annoying.  You're home minding your own business, sometimes not even dressed or showered, and DING DONG....KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK....there is a complete stranger at your door who has made the presumptuous assumption that you are not living the God Code as interpreted by their religion and decided to show up unannounced and uninvited so you could drop what you are doing to listen to them tell you how WRONG you are and how RIGHT they are.

Oh yes, I was just sitting at home doing nothing and just hoping that a religious nut job will show up at my front door and save me from this evil world with their words of wisdom and self-righteous ways.

Do they really think they are going to recruit people this way?  Do they really think they are the ordained spokesperson for God?  Wow.

Don't EVER show up at my door and shove a Bible in my face.  I will unleash the satanic beast that I am and breath evil fire balls at you.  GO AWAY AND DO NOT BOTHER ME.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Mr. Dumas

I can't make this stuff up, people....

Today I had to stop and pick up an order that I had placed prior to Christmas.  I thought that stopping by to do my pick up would be quick and easy now that the holidays were over and it's midweek.  Who would be out on a Wednesday? 

Apparently, quite a number of people.

So, I pulled up a chair and waited.  When they got to the guy next to me they asked his name.  He said his last name was Dumas.  I'm sorry, but I could not suppress my internal 3rd grader and got the giggles.  I excused myself to go outside to fake a phone call to get the belly laugh out of my system.

...and how was YOUR day?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Gummi Bear Fetus

Yup.  I'm at that age where many of my friends are now becoming grandmothers.  Hey, I'm not even 50 yet, so get that image that I'm a curmudgeonly old woman out of your mind.  I'm a 40-something curmudgeonly woman.  Hmpffffffffff.  Take THAT!

(swats purse at you grandma style and curses yo mamma for not bringing u up with manners)

On a more serious note an acquaintance of mine I play Bunco with (Bunco:  Code for Bored Moms on Prozac and what they do after PTA meetings) announced tonight that she's going to be a grandmother.  Huh????  Come again?

WTF?????  Really?????  Another VERY close friend of mine told me last month that SHE is going to be a grandmother.....and she's 4 months YOUNGER than ME!!!!!!!

Is there something in the water in Sonoma County or is Planned Parenthood WAY behind on the birth control distribution that I gladly donate funds to?

Another close, personal friend of mine announced her daughter's engagement.  The totally weird twist of fate here is that the guy she is marrying is the son-in-law of another close friend of mine.  I knew they were dating, but now getting married?????  Sonoma County is looking more and more like Alabama.  Six degrees of separation?  How about 1.5.

Which gets me back to tonight's 'grandma' announcement at bunco.  I was teamed up with the grandma-to-be tonight.  She was giddy beyond giddy about the impending visit from the stork.  She even pulled out pictures of the sonogram (yes, the baby photos start even before birth these days) and how the little fetus resembled a gummy bear. for the gummi bear
You will never eat another gummi bear ever again....I'm shocked the anti-abortion nut jobs have not taken this to the streets in protest.  Cannibals.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Many of you have today off.  Do you even know why?  Kind of like Veterans' Day or Memorial Day, Labor Day or even Presidents' Day...and I even dare now throw in Christmas Day.

The main purpose in recognizing the above holidays was to pay homage to the person(s) and/or event that significantly impacted history and your way of life whether you agree with the politics involved or not.

With that being said I work with a bunch of crusty, old white men.  They are not politically correct AT ALL.  I bet they are all voting for Trump.  Anyway, at a joint employer/employee meeting sometime ago the employees were lobbying to have Martin Luther King Day a recognized holiday in our industry.  Of course, the crustiest oldest white man in my group scoffed at the request and answered, "Why don't you shoot four more niggers and you all can have the entire week off for all I care."

Yup.  That's the world I live in.  No wonder I'm so cynical and jaded.

Buy Me a Gun?...and give me a job?

What?  Yes, the request was, "Will you buy me a gun?"

aaaaahhhhhh  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could not believe me ears. I need to explain the context of the request.  The request came from a colleague's ex-office manager.  She has been in and out of rehab for drinking and in and out of the psych ward.  She is a cutter and very unstable.  All the men in her life seem to die.  The emergency crews have been called to the office on more than one occasion because she literally almost killed herself at work drinking and was passed out on her desk.

Can you see now why she is my colleague's EX office manager?  She happens to now live in the same town I do and I'm not hard to track down.  Oh, she also wants me to giver her a job.

Let's see.....  like I'm going to purchase fire arms for a totally unstable person and then give them a job?  If that's not a recipe for somebody going postal with my name all over it I don't know what is.

I dodged it by stating that I have something on my record that precludes me purchasing fire arms (I don't - quite the opposite) and that my office will be merging with San Mateo in the not-too-distant future (true).

Whew.  Crisis averted.  I was nice and sold it as being concerned but not in a place where I could be of any help.  Change the locks.  Quickly.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Super Bowl L (that's 50 for the Roman Numerically Challenged)

The weather is horrible today.  A good day to clean out drawers, closets, call my mother OR sit my butt at the computer and waste time...yours and mine.

Hey, Super Bowl L (50) is coming to SANTA CLARA this year.  The stadium is not in San Francisco city or county.  The stadium is closer to San Jose.  How many people coming realize that?  It's the same people who think that California is sunny and warm year round and that we are all close, personal friends with the Kardashians and hang out at the beach all the time.

Spoiler Alert:  It's likely to be rainy in early February.  Crab season is non-existent leaving tourists the craving for world famous yummies due to contaminated waters.  Sure, you can get crab shipped in from north or south of here, but it's NOT the same. Also, just know that Santa Clara is quite a long way from San Francisco and the traffic is horrible.  All the sights are in San Francisco, and the game is in Santa Clara.  If you think that you will be amazed at the tech giants' headquarters I have another spoiler alert.  They are just big, blocky buildings.  Sorry.

Think you're going to see Alcatraz?  Not unless you've purchased your tickets MONTHS in advance. One final bit of advice:  don't let the homeless meth heads frighten you too much.  It's perfectly normal to have addicts walking down the street screaming at people and flailing their arms and panhandling.

Don't be too sad, as Monterey Bay isn't too far south and Napa County isn't too far north.  Notice I left out Sonoma County.  We really don't want any of you here.

Catastrophic Insurance: Stop Loss

Your insurance company has something called 'stop loss' that prevents them from taking a huge hit from claims.  Yes, your insurance company has insurance.  

The next time your insurer, whether it's for your home, business, health, whatever, tries to hit you up for a premium increase due to "big claims" due to a hurricane, earthquake, whatever, just know it's a ploy for you to shut up and take it up the you-know-what without dinner or a kiss.  

Here's the ugly secret insurance companies do not want you to know.  They MAKE money when disaster hits.  Their stop loss re-insurance kicks in and they jack up your rates.  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Why Trump Won't Win

Relax, world, Donald Trump will not win the presidential election.  He is there for entertainment purposes only.  His ego is bigger than his brain, which must be compensating for something (ahem) else.

His voting base is 'white male.'  That's it.  Sorry, Donald, but while remnants of the 'white male' still dominate in certain areas, like Oscar nominations, politics is something else.  You can't shit on an entire voting base and then turn around and want their vote or endorsement -- like women.

However, there is something more insidious than Donald's fascination with botox and silicone implants.  His current wife, Melonoma (or whatever her name is), could be the most clever spy on earth.  See, guys like Donald totally underestimate women.  He views women as nothing more than their being there for his temporary pleasure...until he bores of them and trades her in for a younger model.  He even views his own daughter as a sexual object.

If elected president, he could be giving carte blanche to a foreign spy -- and he's too dumb to think that she could be that smart.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Presidential Debate 2016

If you were not able to catch the republican debate, I hope you were able to record it.  Watch it.  Over and over again.  It resembled a Miss America pageant with all of them lined up vying for our approval. 

First of all, the republicans all want to blame the democrats for a flailing congress and inertia.  Wait.  Didn't the republicans veto and filibuster everything so nothing would change?  Here's my rundown on the republican candidates:

Jeb Bush:  His family has had several stays at the White House.  The middle class shrunk each time.  Sorry Jeb, but the Big Chair is not an entitlement program we the people wish to keep for you.

Ted Cruz:  Slickest dick (if he has one) with a forked tongue.  Always wants things to spin for his benefit.  He is the poster child for slimy politician.

Marco Rubio:  Isn't it time for your milk and cookies followed by your nap?  You have fighting spirit, I'll give you that.  Down boy.  Play your cards right and this may not be your year but I don't think you'll be going away anytime soon. 

Donald Trump:  Not even trying to fake that our government is a sad joke.  His stance on immigration is a little harsh.  Is he willing to adopt his anti-immigration policies to his string of under-aged mail order foreign born ex-wives?  He's a shallow, egotistical ass, but does not try to hide it. 

Ben Carson:  His lack of political experience is a double-edged sword for him.  It's too bad because the loud mouthed Trump suffocates Mr. Carson's intellect and thoughtfulness.  He's getting attention for 'whispering' which is a good thing.  The classiest of the bunch is the black man.  Oh, the irony. 

John Kasich:  You can't get any more predictable republican rhetoric than this guy.  Plus, he'll put you to sleep in the process.

Chris Christy:  Reminds me of the type of politician who denounces homosexuals but gets caught getting a blow job from another guy in the men's room at the Minneapolis airport.  

NOW.....onto the democratic front runners... 

Hillary is feeling the 'bern' of contender Bernie Sanders which is in no way related to a sexually transmitted disease her whorseband brought to her. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

There it is, people, the worlds busiest email address:

Granted, there isn't much privacy with anything that is used and perused using today's technology but sometimes sticking it back in the tech giants' eye is kind of satisfying.

I have a little fun trick for you all when asked to enter your email address prior to viewing some web content.  As long as the email address isn't verified -- and they web page is just looking to accumulate and sell email addresses -- just enter

Use Firefox for internet browsing.  They are the only ones out there who are worried about too much of your information out there.  Use their private browsing option, and also, pitch in $10 for their cause.  They are your only privacy champions out there not beholden to corporate interests.  

You all have *no* idea what's floating around in cyberspace.  Be particularly leery of 'free' cloud space services and storage.  Most of the time in the 'terms and conditions' you all never read, using the cloud relinquishes content rights to the host.  That means that your information is no longer yours and they can do and use it however they feel.

Pissed off?  You should be.  However, just how do you wage war against a 'cloud.' 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homeless in Gurneville

Oh gawwwwwwwd.  The front page of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat deplored the situation of the homeless issues in the long-time hippie haven of Gureneville.  Aggressive panhandlers, drug dealing, public defecation, trash, etc., plague the town that prides itself as "accepting of all."

Really?  Then why, Gurneville,  are you all now trying to get rid of them?

Wait.  Before you pass judgement, have you ever had to deal with finding housing for a homeless person?  Many times they do not WANT help as they prefer their addictive substance of choice over a warm, clean place to sleep.  They WANT to stay off the radar for a number of reasons.  Don't believe me?  Try talking to a sibling of a homeless person who has thousands of dollars in cash to 'help' them get into stable housing, but don't want it.  The parents' departing will stated that they could spend thousands to help Jimmy get into a condo or whatever, but not hand over the inheritance for cash.

Jimmy chooses to be homeless.

I have an idea.  Just send all of the homeless people over to Sebastopol or Marin.  It won't take the limousine liberals long to start bitching about the homeless pissing on the tires of their cars that don the rainbow flag along with the 'feel the Bern' bumper sticker, and having the homeless sleeping on their lawns and whining that it's depreciating their property values.

Everybody is a liberal -- until it takes actual sacrifice and tolerance on their part that personally inconveniences them.

Monday, January 11, 2016


I received word this morning that my African dance partner died last night.  I knew she had been sick for some time and I was keeping her spot on the dance floor for her hoping that she would return.  It just has not been the same without her.  It was a sad day today at dance class.  All of us ladies huddled in a circle to pay tribute to her and created a lighted shrine on her spot on the floor.  She and I were 'salt-n-peppa' and we could draw a crowd.  This was our song.  Get up on this.

Every once in a while we would be in a mood for more chorus line-type dancing and I had a tough time getting the choreography down for One.  The very last time I saw my African dance partner was in class was a few months ago and she was breaking down the choreography 1/2 step by 1/2 step for me so I could get the sequence ingrained in my pea brain so we could "kick it" at the end.  One.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Kids today....their MUSIC!!!!

I know my parents cringed when I would listen to the radio when I was a teenager.  Now it's my turn to do the cringing.  I don't believe in censorship.  No matter how hard you try to shield your kids from certain things just know it's all out there for them to see anyway.  Your 'forbidding' them only piques their interest.  Take this song for instance.  I've heard it several times over the weekend.  Yes, it's complete crap rap but I can twerk and dab with the best of them.  That's the deal.  If they play crap rap in my presence, I will make THEM cringe with my twerking and dabbing.  Somehow, when I bust out my dance moves the station suddenly changes ;)  wooooo

If the 'young people' don't want me busting my moves to their crap rap, they must listen to a channel that actually requires talent from the musicians rather than auto tune and a loud bass.  The consensus was rag time piano music.  Believe it or not.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Best Christmas Gifts

I received a couple of fun and silly gifts this Christmas from my sister and my niece.  My sister sent me this 8-in-one opener that resembles the BB-8 droid in the latest Star Wars movie.  My niece, who knows I LOVE the Beatles, gave me this coffee cup of the Fab Four in their Yellow Submarine.
Put 'em all together and what do ya got?  Yes, they also know I'm a freakish Star Wars fan from way back in the day....going back to when it was almost an embarrassment to admit to it....especially for a girl.  Star Wars marries the Beatles.  My love life is complete;)  

Jeb and Hillary

Ever watch American Greed?  It's a TV show where scammers and frauds are profiled and caught.  It's disgusting to watch what the quest of money and power does to people.  They think nothing of scamming their own families -- and murdering them in the process.

Anyway, I was flipping through the channels the other night and sure enough, there was a scammer from Florida (shocker).  The first warning sign everybody should heed is an address in Boca Raton.  Investors beware.  This scammer loved politics.  I think his name was Claudio Osorio. Claudio would host lavish parties at his mansion for both the Clinton and Bush Families.  Claudio even facilitated a private mediation between the two families, and with Obama, when tempers were flaring.

Claudio was eventually convicted and sentenced for obnoxious fraud.  Look at the company he kept -- politicians.  Tell me again how Republicans and Democrats are not feeding from the same trough and are not of the same lot?

Sorry, I will NOT vote for either Hillary or for Jeb.  Cross those two off my list.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Lost in Translation

I was perusing the Safeway online shopping tonight for my weekly delivery.  When I came across this ad I started laughing.  Perhaps something was a little lost in translation?  Here is the Safeway ad for 'walking taco' 

 Is there a teeny-tiny chance they meant Joaquin Taco? 

Just askin'

The Trend That Needs To Go Away: Gross Beards

Beards on guys can be incredibly hot - or NOT.  The Grizzly Adams (there I go dating myself again) look is so hip with the hipster crowd that it's no longer hip.  The irony is that these guys who sport the look of being frontiersmen, who probably have palms as hairy as their faces, in reality, have never been away from their Perrier water or cell phone.  They have never left their desk jobs  working on computer software long enough to do so.  That goes for you, too, Brad Pitt.

Ooooooh but they LOOK so rugged and tough.  All of us chicks dig it, right?

Sorry, you don't look rugged and tough and us chicks don't dig it.  You all look like casting call rejects from Deliverance (there I go dating myself again).   Besides, beards can be incredibly GROSS.  Neatly groomed beards can be really sexy.  I LOVE feeling facial hair rubbing on my neck.  Purrrrrrrrrrrrr purrrrrrrrrrr  purrrrrrrr.

Getting back to gross beards, I was flipping through the tv channels the other night.  They had a guy on the food network in one of those cooking contests with a beard so long it was almost touching the food he was preparing.  I just about barfed.  I'm not kidding.  I had to turn it off.  Although long beards and cooking do not go together AT ALL I will give the below guy credit for at least trying to be sanitary.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

United States Military Personnel on International Flights

Sometimes United States military personnel travel on their own fleet of planes and boats, sometimes they travel on regular commercial flights.  They will never be in uniform on international flights.  Granted, their high and tight and lack of facial hair are often a dead giveaway.  Spotting female military personnel is much more difficult -- even if they have a high and tight and lack of facial hair.

San Rafael Joe's

....yup, San Rafael Joe's has been around for a long, long time.  I had dinner there with a family that has a  tradition that goes back to the 1940's.  Once a year the family hosts a huge dinner party.  This year I was included in on it.  San Rafael Joe's serves the best vodka collins I have ever had.  The food is VERY old school Italian but would not want it any other way.  I love seeing family traditions survive the ages, and actually enjoy it.  It's so easy in this day and age to blow off attending being together with the availability of technology.  Granted, not everybody can be at every event and life circumstances change; however, they still put it on the calendar and it's always a full house.


This year will be full of travel for me.  Quite a chunk of the travel is work related, but looking forward to it just the same.  This year I will get to go places I have not been before, including foreign travel.  I'm a little apprehensive about going abroad for a number of reasons, but I'm determined to squeeze in some fun.

Peace out.  Seriously, try to BE the peace the world so desperately needs.  You all have no idea.