Monday, January 11, 2016


I received word this morning that my African dance partner died last night.  I knew she had been sick for some time and I was keeping her spot on the dance floor for her hoping that she would return.  It just has not been the same without her.  It was a sad day today at dance class.  All of us ladies huddled in a circle to pay tribute to her and created a lighted shrine on her spot on the floor.  She and I were 'salt-n-peppa' and we could draw a crowd.  This was our song.  Get up on this.

Every once in a while we would be in a mood for more chorus line-type dancing and I had a tough time getting the choreography down for One.  The very last time I saw my African dance partner was in class was a few months ago and she was breaking down the choreography 1/2 step by 1/2 step for me so I could get the sequence ingrained in my pea brain so we could "kick it" at the end.  One.  

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