Friday, January 15, 2016

Presidential Debate 2016

If you were not able to catch the republican debate, I hope you were able to record it.  Watch it.  Over and over again.  It resembled a Miss America pageant with all of them lined up vying for our approval. 

First of all, the republicans all want to blame the democrats for a flailing congress and inertia.  Wait.  Didn't the republicans veto and filibuster everything so nothing would change?  Here's my rundown on the republican candidates:

Jeb Bush:  His family has had several stays at the White House.  The middle class shrunk each time.  Sorry Jeb, but the Big Chair is not an entitlement program we the people wish to keep for you.

Ted Cruz:  Slickest dick (if he has one) with a forked tongue.  Always wants things to spin for his benefit.  He is the poster child for slimy politician.

Marco Rubio:  Isn't it time for your milk and cookies followed by your nap?  You have fighting spirit, I'll give you that.  Down boy.  Play your cards right and this may not be your year but I don't think you'll be going away anytime soon. 

Donald Trump:  Not even trying to fake that our government is a sad joke.  His stance on immigration is a little harsh.  Is he willing to adopt his anti-immigration policies to his string of under-aged mail order foreign born ex-wives?  He's a shallow, egotistical ass, but does not try to hide it. 

Ben Carson:  His lack of political experience is a double-edged sword for him.  It's too bad because the loud mouthed Trump suffocates Mr. Carson's intellect and thoughtfulness.  He's getting attention for 'whispering' which is a good thing.  The classiest of the bunch is the black man.  Oh, the irony. 

John Kasich:  You can't get any more predictable republican rhetoric than this guy.  Plus, he'll put you to sleep in the process.

Chris Christy:  Reminds me of the type of politician who denounces homosexuals but gets caught getting a blow job from another guy in the men's room at the Minneapolis airport.  

NOW.....onto the democratic front runners... 

Hillary is feeling the 'bern' of contender Bernie Sanders which is in no way related to a sexually transmitted disease her whorseband brought to her. 

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