Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homeless in Gurneville

Oh gawwwwwwwd.  The front page of the Santa Rosa Press Democrat deplored the situation of the homeless issues in the long-time hippie haven of Gureneville.  Aggressive panhandlers, drug dealing, public defecation, trash, etc., plague the town that prides itself as "accepting of all."

Really?  Then why, Gurneville,  are you all now trying to get rid of them?

Wait.  Before you pass judgement, have you ever had to deal with finding housing for a homeless person?  Many times they do not WANT help as they prefer their addictive substance of choice over a warm, clean place to sleep.  They WANT to stay off the radar for a number of reasons.  Don't believe me?  Try talking to a sibling of a homeless person who has thousands of dollars in cash to 'help' them get into stable housing, but don't want it.  The parents' departing will stated that they could spend thousands to help Jimmy get into a condo or whatever, but not hand over the inheritance for cash.

Jimmy chooses to be homeless.

I have an idea.  Just send all of the homeless people over to Sebastopol or Marin.  It won't take the limousine liberals long to start bitching about the homeless pissing on the tires of their cars that don the rainbow flag along with the 'feel the Bern' bumper sticker, and having the homeless sleeping on their lawns and whining that it's depreciating their property values.

Everybody is a liberal -- until it takes actual sacrifice and tolerance on their part that personally inconveniences them.

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