Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Gummi Bear Fetus

Yup.  I'm at that age where many of my friends are now becoming grandmothers.  Hey, I'm not even 50 yet, so get that image that I'm a curmudgeonly old woman out of your mind.  I'm a 40-something curmudgeonly woman.  Hmpffffffffff.  Take THAT!

(swats purse at you grandma style and curses yo mamma for not bringing u up with manners)

On a more serious note an acquaintance of mine I play Bunco with (Bunco:  Code for Bored Moms on Prozac and what they do after PTA meetings) announced tonight that she's going to be a grandmother.  Huh????  Come again?

WTF?????  Really?????  Another VERY close friend of mine told me last month that SHE is going to be a grandmother.....and she's 4 months YOUNGER than ME!!!!!!!

Is there something in the water in Sonoma County or is Planned Parenthood WAY behind on the birth control distribution that I gladly donate funds to?

Another close, personal friend of mine announced her daughter's engagement.  The totally weird twist of fate here is that the guy she is marrying is the son-in-law of another close friend of mine.  I knew they were dating, but now getting married?????  Sonoma County is looking more and more like Alabama.  Six degrees of separation?  How about 1.5.

Which gets me back to tonight's 'grandma' announcement at bunco.  I was teamed up with the grandma-to-be tonight.  She was giddy beyond giddy about the impending visit from the stork.  She even pulled out pictures of the sonogram (yes, the baby photos start even before birth these days) and how the little fetus resembled a gummy bear.

and....now for the gummi bear
You will never eat another gummi bear ever again....I'm shocked the anti-abortion nut jobs have not taken this to the streets in protest.  Cannibals.

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