Monday, February 10, 2014

The Narcissist

Oh yes, we've all come across The Narcissist at one point in our lives.  You know, the one who loves himself above all others thinking he's a gift to humanity.  He thinks he is so smart, charming, clever and handsome.  Too bad nobody else agrees.  He is the president of his own fan club. 

The problem with The Narcissist is that he doesn't even realize how self-absorbed he is.  See, normal people can read subtle social cues and react accordingly.  Normal people have a moral conscience and empathy.  The Narcissist does not.  The Narcissist automatically goes into defense attack mode as certainly *he* could not be imperfect -- it's YOU that's the problem.  Always.

Next time you suspect you're around The Narcissist here is a simple exercise as you will see that the universe agrees with you.  Be very calm and still.  Allow The Narcissist prattle on about his wondrous virtues and knowledge.  Notice the energy flow.  You will notice a "one way" energy flow that literally extracts your life force out of you and gives it to him.  The Narcissist is literally a human black hole. 

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