Thursday, February 20, 2014

Rancho Beef Recall: Meat Snobs

Years ago when my farmer father was out here visiting from Minnesota we passed by the Petaluma slaughter house now recalling an astronomical amount of beef.  My father said, using the same expression and tone Clint Eastwood would use right before he shot somebody (complete with a manly drag off a cigarette), "What kind of shit-house-slaughter-house is that?"

Dad knew.  He never set foot in that place, but knew just from passing by it was questionable.  See, mom and dad are meat snobs.  That's not an insult.  They both grew up on farms - without running and water and electricity - out on the prarie.  That's not a put down.

Meat raised on your own farm has a different taste and texture.  Cleanliness and care in butchering is an unappreciated, forgotten art form.  What cattle are fed makes a difference as well.

Long story short, mom and dad NEVER liked the meat out here in California.  From the time I relocated here 28 years ago they made comment that our meat tasted weird and had a strange texture. That's a strong statement coming from the meat and potatoes people.

In any event, I've blogged about this before, unless you follow your food from source to table be very wary of "organic, locally raised beef" and other yuppie claims used to jack up the price and make you feel superior and holier-than-thou.  This shit-house-slaughterhouse gave the same meat to Wal-Mart.  There is a reason why Japan and South Korea do not accept American beef.

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