Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Age of Opinion

What's true?  What's fabricated?  What's meant to mislead and spin?  Facts?  Fiction?  Contradicting information?  What?  You can't tell anymore?  All information and news is flippantly absorbed as "just somebody else's opinion" because compiling supporting facts are sinisterly manufactured to create whatever reality suits the presenter/writer.  You say the sky is blue?  There are thousands of other opinions stating otherwise. 

Ready to shut out the media?  You're not alone. 

We are now living in the age of non-belief.  Everybody is so jaded that we are hard to motivate on an emotional level.  We now automatically assume everybody has an ulterior motive.  We are so hardened and skeptical that putting the energy in to try to better society just isn't there for us.  Why?  Because people are generally just selfish assholes who will do whatever they can to take advantage of generosity and kindness. 

We've seen it demonstrated too many times how a cause turns into a curse.  Done. 

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