Friday, February 21, 2014


....yeah..... I'm missing my family and friends in the frozen tundra.  I was supposed to go back next week, but changed my mind.  Record snow fall, blizzards, and canceled flights making travel in general an unpredictable, living hell did have an impact on my decision to wait until at least spring thaw begins to make the trek.

There are several reasons I want to go back.

I have unfinished business on so many levels that I almost feel like I'm being reincarnated into another plane of existence to graduate my bruised soul from the growing pains I experienced during my first 18 years of life.

Growing up is rough.  I think I can lend my experiences to girls who are on the bubble of womanhood.  Not that I'm some ordained genius, but rather somebody who vividly remembers "that age" as I carefully documented every mood and emotion.  It's all still very real and alive to me.  Do I have magic answers?  No.  I do, however, know how real their feelings are despite adults wanting to pass us off as 'just a phase we're going through.'

Aside from that, I really miss my homies.  I mean, I REALLY miss my homies.  There is an unexplained transformation when I walk through the MSP airport and half-expect to run into somebody I  know.   So comforting.  So home.  Sorry the end of February did not work out.  xxoo

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