Saturday, September 7, 2013

World Peace: Why It Does Not Exist

I'm no war advocate.  Let's make that perfectly clear.  However, the liberals who drive around in their Prius with the 'give peace a chance'  and also 'celebrate diversity' bumper sticker ideology make me want to gag. 

These same self-righteous morons are the same ones who fight within their own family units.  They screw over their spouses, siblings, in-laws, extended families, etc., usually over money and  emotional wounds.  Many times they can't even sit at the Thanksgiving table together.

...and yet they are demanding world peace??????  Look in the mirror.  If you can't even stomach dealing with your own family, don't expect the rest of the world to play according to your rules that apply to everybody except yourself. 

Drive off a cliff in your Prius.  Please. 

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