Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pigs for the Pigs

Each year we participate in the Sonoma County 4H livestock auction.  Each year I'm amazed at the greed when it's time to pick up and distribute the meat.  This has been going on for several years.  I pick up boxes and bring them to a meeting where the attendees help themselves to hams, bacon, sausage, pork steaks, pork chops, etc.  It's on the honor system, which isn't so honorable. 

Last year one attendee brought several humongous coolers and filled them all to the brim.  He then had the audacity to complain that some of the meat had freezer burn (ha ha ha ha ha that should teach him to be so greedy).  It did not.  He again brought several coolers and helped himself while others stood in the background waiting for some leftovers.

Each year it's the same.  The same people overload themselves and leave nothing but pig knuckles for those waiting patiently and with class and dignity.  I could pre-portion the meat and deliver individually away from the group grab setting, but where is the fun in that?  I want all to see who is a greedy jerk and who waits patiently.....  elections are in two months.... 

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