Monday, August 4, 2014

White Trash: Reno

I have not been to Reno since my son turned 21 a few years back and we took the train from Martinez.  I highly recommend taking the train and doing so.  It's so beautiful and relaxing.  You see so many things not visible blazing at top speed on Interstate 80.  One thing is the obvious void of Chevron gas stations, Starbucks, La Quinta hotels, and Taco Bell.  The observation car on the train shows you spectacular views that we never knew existed all the years we have all gone back and forth from Tahoe/Reno. 

It was Hot August Nights up in Reno this past weekend.  Wow.  I so appreciate the cars, but the people up there were down right out of a scene from WalMart shoppers on crack. 

No, I take that back.  There were plenty of obese WalMart-types on scooters with their fat hanging off of all sides and oxygen tank side cars, all the while a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other.  Damn.  That made pressing the button on the 'wheel of fortune progressive slot' even MORE of a challenge! 

Anyway, this is not about bashing everybody up in Reno.  Despite their sometimes crusty appearance I have to say that they are super friendly and not the stuck-up types I'm used to dealing with at fancy-schmancy, high-end resorts.  White Trash will actually *TALK* to you, genuinely *SMILE* and *LAUGH* -- something I find lacking Ohh La La Resort and Spa. 

Here is where White Trash takes the lead.  They have no misconceptions about who and what they are.  They embrace it all and have a good time with it.  On the other hand, the "Ohh La La Boutique and Spa" people have a major stick inserted in all major orifices and will only talk to you if they think it will somehow better their image and/or career.  They are so fake and superficial. 


I should not have said anything, as now it will become super trendy..... the Ohh La La Boutique and Spa people will try to capitalize on it.  Just like being a hick "organic" farmer. 

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