Monday, August 11, 2014

Unwanted Advice

Thank you.  I never knew you understood my deepest thoughts and life experiences.  You are an automatic wizard at my family dysfunction and dynamics.  You don't even really know me.  In fact, you don't know me at all.  But yet, you are an ordained judge on my life.  You think you know better than I on how to run my life.  Oooooooh YES!  You are the freelance busybody/psychologist I *know* who will save MY LIFE.  THANK YOU...... (gag) ....You think that you can diagnose my human condition and freely blabber unsolicited advice over the BUNKO dice with all the other 'bored moms on Prozac.'

.....i knew deep down there was a reason I want to kill you all in your sleep....

Please stop.  Freelance Busybodies are the bane of the universe.  Ironically, you are all the 'bored moms on prozac' who smile at PTA meetings while serving oven-fresh, warm cookies and simultaneously poisoning the tea.

Seriously, there is a reason the PTA is targeted as a domestic terrorist group.  You all think I'm kidding.  I'm not. 


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