Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Birthday

Today marks the 46th birthday of my cousin had she lived to see it.  Unfortunately, she died in a rural roll over car accident on a gravel road when she was 15.  In North Dakota, farm kids are allowed to drive at a young age because of the large, open space and the logistics of just getting to school and operating the farm trucks getting the harvest in. 

Maybe driving laws have changed in North Dakota since 1983, but that's what it was back then.

Anyway, I knew a couple days before her death something was "off."  I could not pin point it.  The day she died I did not go to school that day knowing something was wrong.  I wore a shirt that both we both bought together to be Bop-sy Twins.  I did not even like the shirt.  I wore it because my cousin liked it and thought we should own matching shirts.

When the phone rang later that evening and my mother answered it, I instinctively knew what the news was.

However, there are things that I dream and that happen I can't explain.  My cousin has not abandoned me.  There have been situations and messages I can't reason away. 

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