Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams: Dead

GUESS WHAT!!!!   NFS!!!!!!!!  HEY!!!!!  ROBIN WILLIAMS DIED!!!!!!!

enough already

Because he grew up and lived around here just about everybody has a "personal story" about their knowing Mr. Williams.

enough of that, too

I'm already over-saturated with the news coverage of the Bored Moms on Prozac who met him once at a gala fundraising event and comment (on camera of course) saying 'what a nice, thoughtful guy he was.'

Really?  I'm waiting to for somebody to get on camera and say, "He was a bi-polar, had ADD, and was addicted to drugs and alcohol.  He was a complete asshole to be around."

With all due respect to Mr. Williams, I do feel for the tortured souls in this world.  People like him understand the delicate state of the human condition.  He was not impressed with people and or society.  He gets it.  That's why he wanted out of here. 

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