Saturday, August 23, 2014

Costco: Dating Hot Spot

I don't *^#@!% believe it.  I was hit on while shopping at Costco in Rohnert Park.  I was there this afternoon with shopping list in hand maneuvering the wide shopping cart through the aisles that was already overflowing with a 40 pound bag of dog food, a new dog bed, coffee, beer, and wine. 

The end caps are always congested with carts and people hovering and swooping like vultures devouring the "free samples" that are coming out of the microwave.  I had to carefully make my way through the perched food predators to get to the next aisle.  Out of sheer politeness, I yielded to a guy who also had a shopping cart full of goods and gave an apologetic smile while passing through. 

I was already an aisle or two over when the same guy approached me and asked me if my name was Geraldine from Pleasanton.  I said "no" and he then went onto say that I had a twin.  He then blurted out the question inquiring whether or not I was available and wanted to asked me out. 

I was dumbfounded.  I was flattered.  I was creeped out. 

Let's see...... I'm at Costco doing a routine shopping excursion.  A strange man approaches me from out of the blue.  Like I'm actually going to hook up with a strange guy I met at the canned goods aisle at Costco?   No. 

He must be *really* desperate.  I'm hoping by the time he got to the dairy aisle his unorthodox, clumsy approach hitting on women landed him luck with somebody else as he did not follow me out to my car. 

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