Saturday, August 30, 2014

Drug/Alcohol Addiction

It's happened again.  The kid of somebody I work with overdosed and died.  It's soooooooo sad as this kid seemed to have it all together. 

The one pattern I'm putting together is that there is no pattern with how people become addicted to drugs/alcohol.  There is the argument that there is a genetic tendency.  There is the argument that it's environmental.  There is the argument that if you were only strong enough you could rid yourself of such demons -- which is where addicts develop shame, self-loathing and sometimes get even worse. 

What I find so amusing is another guy I work with is a 'dry drunk' as he combated his alcohol addiction only to become a workaholic and an all-purpose asshole.  He is super preachy and self-righteous to others who have not conquered their demons yet.

Now HIS son is in the hospital for almost killing himself via alcoholism. 

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