Wednesday, July 30, 2014

My First Boyfriend

This is my very first boyfriend (I was 15) and his wife.  I usually do not post personal photos, but this one is floating all around cyberspace and it's a public pose meant to be seen and distributed.  Believe me, the more people see this the happier he is.

He wants to show all of his old girlfriends what we are now missing.

I know for certain that a life with him would have been void of beer, pizza, and wine which is MY LIFE FORCE.  Not only that, when doing laundry, I would never want to confuse my man's underwear with my own.  Instant deal killer. 

Well, ex-boyfriend, glad you're happy.  I'll see you at the rural county graveyard years from how when I'm still kicking and you're six feet under.  I'll lift up my house duster dress and expose my support hose and granny underwear -- just like that scene in the movie "Nebraska."

In the meantime, I suggest toning down the tanning bed usage.  Raccoon eyes from a fake bake do not photograph well.

p.s.  My daughter read my blog and asked, "Which one is the guy?"

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