Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Batman and Robin

There are kindred souls out there who can cut through bull like a hot knife going through butter.  There is one guy I work with who sees through all and calls it like it is.  God bless him.  Also, his sense of humor is witty, quick, and animated.  Yes, he is Italian.

I've worked with him for 26 years.  I went to his wedding, his father's funeral.  I also rescued his mother out the ladies room at a high-end restaurant in Monterey when I was 5 months pregnant as she was so drunk she passed out in the stall.  I've also shared sleeping quarters with his mom and dad in Chicago when their hotel reservations got screwed up and *nothing* else was available (no, NOT kinky -- get your mind out of the gutter). 

I've also been to New Orleans with him and his wife and did the 'vampire tour' as the cheesiness was irresistible.   During the same trip he also joked about his wife's bead collection.  in 1994 we went to Las Vegas for a convention and attended a faux Beatle concert and he made wise cracks during the entire performance.

Yes.... ANYBODY would say this guy is fun to be around.   I have not even mentioned his stories about his Marin City adventures that include a black guy and his sausages.  

I can see all you personnel-types squirming trying to figure out how this all fits into the "employee handbook" and wondering how this is written up in my job description.   Good Luck. 

Anyway, what made me laugh yesterday was his wearing a Batman t-shirt to a meeting.  His name is Robin. 

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