Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Go Fund Me

"Go Fund Me" should bear the title "Go f*** Me."

Are you serious?  Have people no shame?  Is every single life event now a fundraising opportunity?  We have cut to the chase, people.  Never mind the obligatory ceremonies and parties that just extract from the overall profits people hope to reap for the life event.....just contribute *MONEY* directly to "Go Fund Me."

Am I the only one appalled by this glorified form of panhandling?

I do not mean to insult those who are genuinely trying to share life milestones and want you present to celebrate.  Not every wedding invitation/party invitation/announcement is a summons for money -- but it's getting mightily close.   A dead give-away is mention of a gift registry, Go Fund Me website, or any hint of expectations of you bringing your wallet to said event.... collecting a sort of cover charge, if you will. 

Real friends do not expect you to bring your wallet or give shopping instructions for their own gifts.  Real friends will share their joy and want you to participate, but do not demand nor instruct payment. 

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