Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Stuck in Mexico

My former "assistant" ran off with her boyfriend.  Her boyfriend is from the UK, but he can't come to the US because of something on his record. 

I severed her employment just in time.  Despite being paid handsomely to do nothing for the last 10 years she slapped an unemployment claim on me within seconds of walking out the door.  That was January 31.  A couple of weeks later, she left for Mexico to meet up with Boyfriend.  I have no idea as to how she is going to search for a job, which is a requirement to receive unemployment, from the beaches of Mexico but that is for the EDD to figure out. 

Now the virus hits.  Both the UK and USA have travel restrictions.  They are pretty much stuck there in Mexico until this blows over.  All they have is each other. 

Be careful what you wish for. 

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