Sunday, March 15, 2020


I'm excited about not having to be around people.  I have the perfect excuse to stay home - and for once it's encouraged.  I have plans to do some deep spring cleaning and de-cluttering.  I have plans to dig into the yard (pun intended).  I have plans to put together photo albums (finally).  I have plans to read some books.  I have plans to redecorate some sections of the house.  I have plans to get caught up on movies that have been on my "I want to watch this someday" list for 33 years. 

This is great. 

In a weird way it's nice just to stay put for a while.  We as a society run around like chickens with their heads cut off.  Just think of all the pollution that is not happening because everybody is home. 

I'm sorry for the people who have contracted the virus and are gravely ill.  I get this glorious staycation at their expense. 

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