Friday, March 6, 2020

Russian Meddling: Super Tuesday

Are the democrats going to now complain that their shoe-in, Biden, was the center of a plot by the Russians in obtaining votes?  Of course not.  Sleepy Joe gave dismal performances at the debates.  Nobody, except those trying desperately to regain their lost power (cough, cough, establishment democrats) gave Sleepy Joe Biden a snow ball's chance in H-E-double hockey sticks.

How did Biden come from so far behind?  There MUST be an evil meddling by the Russians.

Sorry, I don't believe for one second that Biden obtained the popularity he did.  As I said before, our only hope for any real change comes from Sanders or Trump.  It's ironic that they are on opposite sides of the political spectrum.  Together they are against the entrenched politicians.  Here's a thought.  What a powerful force they would be if they teamed up.  They would be the Yin and Yang.  Perfect balance.  If it's good enough for the universe, it's good enough for us. 

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