Thursday, March 5, 2020

Corona Virus: An Introvert's Dream

I'm an introvert.  All this hype about the Corona virus and the cancellation of conventions, air travel, meetings, and avoiding group settings in general is an introvert's dream come true.  Yipeeeeeeeeee!!!!  We don't have to make excuses just for wanting to be left alone in our little bubble undisturbed. We will happily self-quarantine. 

No, I don't have to stand next to you and make small talk.  I don't have to shake your hand.  I don't have to have you invade my space with "hugs" and all that other bs.  I get to keep my distance for once and not be made out to be some sort of freak or being labeled as 'not a team player' or aloof. 

Let's hope this lasts for a long time.  I love having an excuse that the rest of society finally understands for me just wanting to be left alone.  

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