Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Biden????? Nooooooooooooooo

Yes, the establishment is still trying to shove Biden down our throats.  Despite dismal performances at the debates, somehow he is magically a contender. 

This whole scenario smells to high heaven. 

The establishment is desperate to have one of their own back in the oval office.  At what price?  Your price, my friend.  You can continue to count on messed up health care, and employers trampling all over their employees.  Wait.  We are not even employees anymore.  We are "independent contractors" who have NO rights at all. 

At least Trump is shaking things up.  Biden will only settle back in to selling us out despite telling us he's in our corner.  He's not. 

Keep running scared, democrats.  You are not for us at all.  Trump and Sanders are the only ones calling you out on it. 

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