Tuesday, March 24, 2020

One Week

It's been one week of 'shelter-in-place' and everybody has lost their minds.  An acquaintance who is a real estate agent reports of being extremely busy as people want to put their houses up for sale.  Let's think about this.  One week?  One week of economic volatility and everybody wants to throw in the towel?   That tells me that nobody has any cash and our economy is more fragile than we think.  Like Warren Buffet says, "It's only when the tide goes out do you discover who is swimming naked."

Looks like lots of people are swimming naked.  Close your eyes. 

The other thing that I find irritating is that so-called Trump enthusiasts, who love capitalism to the core, are now complaining they need a bailout of sorts.  Especially the CEO's of large companies who have received millions in bonuses.  They only like capitalism when times are good.  Now they want the social net of the collective tax payers.  Can't have it both ways, boys.  If you like capitalism when times are good, you have to suck it up when times are bad and plan for the bad times as they are inevitable.  Irresponsible hypocrites. 

What else can I complain about today? 

Nothing has changed since 2008.  Nothing has changed since the beginning of time.  Sure, the root of the crisis has morphed a bit but it's all the same old story.   The greedy will always be greedy.  The power hungry will always crave power.  The little revolution happens and then there's a change of policy and laws for a while, amid fervent statements about fairness and equality going forward, but it always ends up exactly where it started. 

Prove me wrong. 

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