Sunday, March 22, 2020

April Fool's Day

[Landlord to Tenant]  Hey, it's April first.  I need you to pay your rent.

[Tenant to Landlord]  Sorry, but I have not worked in three weeks.  I don't have the money.

[Landlord] Well, I need your rent money to pay the mortgage on this place.  I can't afford not to have the rental income stream.

[Tenant]  Again, I just don't have it.  My employer has put me on furlough and I've filed for unemployment, but unemployment benefits cover only about 1/2 my income.  I've got other obligations like my medical insurance premium, too.

[Landlord]  How is that *my* problem?  You signed a contract stating you would pay me rent.  There's no contingency in the rental agreement stating that you paying me is dependent on your employment status.  Borrow money from the Bank of Parents if you need to. 

[Tenant]  Calm down.  We are not the only people in this situation.  Besides, you can't kick me out because I can't pay my rent.

[Landlord]  I can make your life a living hell.  If you don't cough up (no pun intended) the rent money I'll shut off your PG&E and water. 

[Tenant] And I can make your life a living hell by trashing the place. 

.....and so it goes.  Landlord needs the rental income from Tenant.  Tenant needs a place to live.  Let the economic meltdown begin. 

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