Sunday, April 5, 2020

Pleasant Valley Sunday

.....yet another song written by Carole King, but that's for another day.

It's raining here in Sonoma County.  Being we are all stuck at home the rain gives the day a comfy-cozy feel.  It's like the day after Christmas where everybody is lounging around in their pajamas just relaxing.  There's no guilt for just binge watching whatever junk tv you feel like as going outside is not in the cards today.  This whole shelter-in-place feels like the week between Christmas and New Years Day.  Nobody really expects anybody to be super productive.

Let's rant about people hoarding groceries.  I have a theory.  I don't think it's necessarily people hording stuff, it's people who are trying to purchase non-perishable foods so they limit the number of times they have to go to the store.  Each time you leave your home you increase your chances of contracting the virus.

I do have a question:  What is going to happen when the virus infection cases start to wane and people think that it's safe to gather together again?  The virus is still active.  Social distancing helped slow down the spread initially.  Won't it be even more dangerous later on as people are going to have a false sense of security and the virus will just come back with a vengeance? 

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